Biasca (TI)


6710 Biasca

Number Issuing

6710 Biasca

Changing rooms

6710 Biasca

Contact address

Closing date

Via internet, two days before the race.


Late registration

Late registration until 1 hour before the start of the respective category. Surcharge CHF 10.- / Kids CHF 5.-

Categories, Starting fees

According to Argovia Cup regulations

Category Time Laps Distance
Hard 09:00 4/3 Rd 16/12 km
Mega 10:15 3/2 Rd 12/8 km
Rock 11:15 2 Rd 7 km
Cross 11:45 Parcours separate Strecke
Soft 12:15 Parcours separate Strecke
Elite Frauen 12:00 5 Rd 20 km
U19 Juniorinnen 4 Rd 16 km
U19 Junioren 5 Rd 20 km
Elite Herren 14:00 6 Rd 24 km
Amateure/Masters 5 Rd 20 km
Herren Fun 1 16:00 4 Rd 16 km
Herren Fun 2 4 Rd 16 km
Fun Damen 4 Rd 16 km
Plausch 4 Rd 16 km

The definitive number of laps will be announced before the respective race.